Saturday, July 16, 2011

Carnival of the Weekend Cat Bloggers

Welcome to Weekend Cat Blogging AND Carnival of the Cats!!!! Weekend Cat Blogging is in honor of the wonderful Sher!

Let's get this ball rolling with some awesome carnival foods!

Miss Chloe turned 19 this week! That is really reason to celebrate!!

Smudge is looking great for his tribute to Sher!

Samantha and Clemmie's mom gotted hurt (and they are thankful for the purrrss!)  and their carnival from last weekend is now up too! COOL!!!!

Derby and Ducky are 2 pretty cool Ginger men - just like ME!

Abby had some very interesting guests this week


Ashie and Ethan have a weekend post in honor of Sher!

It's Caturday with Catsparella - go get caught up on the news, but don't forget to come back and PLAYPLAYPLAY!!

WOW!! Eddie Mildew is going to college!!!! 

Luna is paying tribute to Sher too!!

Rosie and Arthur are always happy to have a visitor!

Here's a carnival game - ofur at Friends Forever you have to guess the toes!!

So Sweet Praline's Mom has started a new blog for her future kittehs!!!

Ritzi looks a little peeved at hafing her pikshur taken!

Over at Kazoku Neko it's an Easy Sunday!

Time for more foods and play!!!  Corn dog anyone??

OH SQUEEEEEEEEE!! There is waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much cuteness going on here!

Earlier in the week it was Miss Elvira's Gotcha Day!!

The beautiful Miss Maddie at StrangeRanger has to go to the v-e-t Tuesday! PURRRSSSS to you!

Speaking of the v-e-t, Miss Elvira and Professor Nikita went last week - with some interesting results

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Weekend Cat Blogging and Carnival of the Cats

This weekend I am hosting Weekend Cat Blogging - in honor of the great and wonderful Sher and also Carnival of the Cats.  So lets have a great weekend honoring Sher with a wonderful party! Please leave your links in the comments!

Friday, July 8, 2011


So, ME likes to DANCE!! ME dance wif the mom lady person and it's FUNFUNFUN!!!

This is one of mine favorite songs to dance to!

UM, ok, that was a little weerd! MOL

HEY! This looks like FUN!!!!

Maybe ME should think about training the slugs that like to crawl on the moms begetables in the garden

ME wants a bloo suit like this - it would go well wif mine orinch furs!!!

Fank you for dancing wif me today - and for making MINE week so happy!!!! Next week Nicky Week on the Meezers blog!


Thursday, July 7, 2011


YAY!!! It's still mine week!!!

One fimg that ME likes to do it GO OUTSIDE!! ME WANTS OUT!!! ME like to run out the door ALL THE TIME.  When the mom lady person has her hands full brining stuffs inside ME likes to run out just 'afore the door closes.  ME will run to the driveway and flop down and WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE!! Then ME gets up and RUN RUN RUN into the road!!! That makes the mom lady person SCREAM and run out into the road to pick ME up.  THEN the naybors come and say HI to ME!! They ALL LOVE ME. 

Sometimes the mom lady person puts mine harness on and ME can go play in the grass!! ME LOVES that. 

ME is mighty bug hunter!!!!! ME is mighty ORINCH LION!!!!!

Tomorrow WE IS ALL DANCING!!!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Billy Wednesday

It's Billy Week!! Today ME wants to talk about mine woofie furriend! ME LOVES WOOFIES.

Mine bestest furriend is MAXX

Maxx lives in the house that Miles was borned in.  Maxx was there when Miles was borned, but Miles HATES him.  He hisses at him all the time.  ME thinks that Maxx scairt Miles when he was a little babycat and that's why Miles hates him.  Nicky likes Maxx and Sammy maybe likes him - ME thinks Sammy really doesn't care one way or the ofur.

Maxx comes to visit ME sometimes - since his human mommy wented to the people bridge last year he has 'behavior prollems' when he's home alone so he comes to visit us on some weekend days when his human daddy has to go out.  He goes to woofie daycare during the week.  ME has nefur seen any arts and crafts or anyfing that he has made, so ME doesn't know what woofies do in woofie day care.

We likes to play games like "who has a bigger mouf" and "lion tamer" where I put mine head in his mouf.  We also likes to play fetch and chase and ME likes to play 'vampire' (that's what we're playing in the pikshur). 

Maxx is a American Eskimo woofie so he likes to play in the snow and he doesn't like the hots. 

ME misses him when he's not here, but the mom lady person says he cannot move in wif us - his human daddy needs him 'acuase he's all alone now.  ME told her that ME would move in wif Maxx, but the mom lady person said she would cry if ME did that.  ME doesn't want the mom lady person to cry. 

ME would love to haf mine own woofie - maybe ME will start a petishun!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's ME WEEK!!!

It's ME week. ME gets to talk all about ME all week! How cool is that!!

The mom lady person said I should start wif mine gotcha story.  So here it is.

ME was borned somewhere in the late summer - ME doesn't 'amember if ME hadded a home wif people, but if ME did then ME didn't spend much time inside at all.  ME thinks that ME finded a woofie to take care of ME, 'acause I LOVES WOOFIES!! ALL WOOFIES!!!

Anyway, ME lived outside alot and ME was sick.  ME hadded prollems breathing and ME hadded somefing wrong wif mine eye 'acause ME could not see out of it.  ME also hadded a HUGE sore unner mine chin that was furry 'fekted.  ME was getting sicker and sicker.  One day ME was looking for some foods in a huge place that hadded lots of metal machines staying in it.  ME was hanging out near the edge when ME spotted a lady getting into her metal machine. ME hollered at her.  She didn't hear me so ME hollered louder.  She lookded around and seed me and ME hollered lots more at her.  She was not real far from me and she opened the door to her metal machine and told me that if ME wanted to go wif her, to get in her machine.  ME ranned to her and she helped put ME in the metal machine.  She lookded at me and thought ME was really really sick and might run off to the Bridge so she bringed me to her house.  She set up a 'partment for me and gived me some warm foods, washded me up and wrapped me in warm towels.  ME was so happy.  The next day she taked me back in the metal machine and ME was so afraid that she was going to bring ME back where she finded me.  ME was so sick and sad.  She helded me and saided that she was going to take me to someplace where she would make me feel better.  She taked me to the v-e-t.  ME meeted some really nice people there.  They poked me and weighted me and looked in mine mouf.  The v-e-t said that ME was about 6 monfs old, but really really teeny tiny - ME didn't efen weight 2 pounds. They saided that ME was blind in one eye, prolly from herpes from mine mommy kitty (me doesn't efen 'amember her)  They fixded mine chin and gived me medicines and the lady taked me to her house again and tolded me that it was MINE house too! I meeted 2 meezer kitties but ME was not allowed to be around them until ME gotted better, so ME hadded to live in mine 'partment.  ME loved to snuggle wif mine mom lady person and when ME felted better ME gotted to play wif the meezer kitties. 

Here are pikshurs of ME when ME camed to live here